How to Protect Your Vegetable Plants from Cabbage Worms

By Amy Brown | Published on 2022-03-01

If you're a gardener, you know that the joy of growing your own vegetables can be quickly overshadowed by the frustration of dealing with pests. One of the most common and destructive pests in vegetable gardens is the cabbage worm. These voracious little critters can wreak havoc on your plants, leaving you with wilted, damaged, and even destroyed vegetables. But don't despair - there are ways to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. In this article, we'll discuss some of the best methods for keeping your vegetable plants safe from these pesky pests.

The image shows a cabbage plant with a large green caterpillar crawling on it. The caterpillar is a cabbage worm, which can cause serious damage to vegetable plants. The image illustrates the article, which provides tips on how to protect your vegetable

Preparing the soil

Preparing the soil is an important step in protecting your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. Before planting, it is important to make sure that the soil is free of any pests or diseases that could harm your plants. To do this, you should start by tilling the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches. This will help to break up any clumps of soil and make it easier for the roots of your plants to take hold.

Next, you should add organic matter to the soil. This can be done by adding compost, manure, or other organic material. This will help to improve the soil structure and provide nutrients to your plants. You should also add a layer of mulch to the top of the soil. This will help to keep the soil moist and prevent weeds from taking over.

Finally, you should test the soil to make sure it is at the right pH level. This will ensure that your plants are able to absorb the nutrients they need to grow. If the soil is too acidic or alkaline, you can add lime or sulfur to adjust the pH level. Once the soil is prepared, you can begin planting your vegetable plants.

Planting varieties resistant to cabbage worms

One way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms is to plant varieties that are resistant to them. There are several varieties of vegetables that have been bred to be more resistant to cabbage worms. These include varieties of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. These varieties are often labeled as “worm-resistant” or “worm-proof” on the seed packet.

When choosing a variety of vegetable to plant, look for varieties that have been bred to be resistant to cabbage worms. These varieties are often more expensive than other varieties, but the extra cost is worth it to avoid the damage that cabbage worms can cause.

In addition to planting varieties that are resistant to cabbage worms, it is also important to rotate your crops. This means planting different vegetables in the same area each year. This helps to reduce the number of cabbage worms that can build up in the soil. Planting resistant varieties and rotating your crops are both effective ways to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms.

Handpicking worms and eggs

Handpicking worms and eggs is one of the most effective ways to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. It is a simple and straightforward process that can be done in a few minutes a day. To begin, inspect your plants for signs of worms or eggs. Look for small, green caterpillars or clusters of white eggs on the underside of leaves. If you find any, carefully remove them with your fingers or a pair of tweezers. Be sure to check the entire plant, including the stem and undersides of leaves.

It is also important to check for eggs and worms on the ground around your plants. Cabbage worms often lay their eggs in the soil near the plants, so you should check the soil for any signs of eggs or worms. If you find any, remove them with your fingers or tweezers.

Finally, it is important to take preventive measures to reduce the number of cabbage worms in your garden. Planting companion plants such as marigolds, nasturtiums, and garlic can help repel cabbage worms and other pests. You can also use a floating row cover to protect your plants from cabbage worms.

Floating row covers

Floating row covers are an effective way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. These covers are made of lightweight, non-woven fabric that is placed over the plants and held in place with stakes or hoops. The fabric is porous enough to allow sunlight and water to reach the plants, but it is also strong enough to keep out the cabbage worms.

Floating row covers are easy to install and can be used to protect a wide variety of vegetables. They are especially useful for protecting cabbage, kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, as these plants are especially vulnerable to cabbage worms. The covers can be left on the plants for the entire growing season, or removed when the plants are ready to harvest.

Floating row covers are an inexpensive and effective way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. They are easy to install and can be used to protect a variety of vegetables. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your vegetable plants safe and healthy all season long.

Neem oil sprays

Neem oil sprays are a great way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. Neem oil is derived from the neem tree and has been used for centuries in India for its medicinal and insect-repelling properties. It is a natural, non-toxic way to protect your plants from pests.

To use neem oil, mix it with water and spray it directly onto the leaves of your plants. The oil will coat the leaves and make them unpalatable to cabbage worms. It is important to apply the spray every few days to ensure that the oil remains effective. You can also use neem oil to treat the soil around your plants to prevent cabbage worms from laying eggs in the soil.

Neem oil is also effective against other pests such as aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. It is a safe and natural way to protect your vegetable plants from a variety of pests. It is important to follow the instructions on the product label when using neem oil to ensure that it is used safely and effectively.

Spinosad sprays

Spinosad sprays are a great way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. Spinosad is a naturally occurring bacterium that is toxic to certain insects, including cabbage worms. When applied to your plants, it will kill the worms and keep them from eating your vegetables.

Spinosad sprays are easy to use and can be applied directly to the leaves of your plants. It is important to follow the instructions on the label when applying the spray, as it can be toxic to humans and other animals if not used properly. It is also important to make sure you are spraying the entire plant, as the cabbage worms can hide in the crevices of the leaves.

Spinosad sprays are a safe and effective way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. They are also relatively inexpensive and can be found at most garden centers. With regular applications, you can be sure that your vegetable plants will be safe from these pesky pests.

Bacillus thuringiensis bt sprays

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) sprays are a great way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. Bt sprays are made up of naturally occurring bacteria that produce toxins that are deadly to cabbage worms, but harmless to other insects and animals. When cabbage worms ingest the Bt spray, it paralyzes their digestive system and they die within a few days.

Bt sprays are easy to use and can be applied directly to the leaves of the vegetable plants. The Bt spray will remain effective for up to two weeks, so it is important to reapply the spray every two weeks to ensure that the cabbage worms are kept away. It is also important to note that Bt sprays should not be used on plants that are flowering or fruiting, as the spray can damage the flowers and fruits.

Bt sprays are an effective and natural way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. They are safe to use and can be applied directly to the leaves of the vegetable plants. Bt sprays are a great way to keep your vegetable garden healthy and free from pests.

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural pest control method that can be used to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. It is a powder made from fossilized diatoms, which are tiny aquatic organisms. The powder is composed of sharp, microscopic particles that pierce the exoskeleton of the cabbage worms and cause them to dehydrate and die. It is a safe and effective way to protect your plants without the use of harsh chemicals.

When using diatomaceous earth, it is important to apply it directly to the plants and soil. You can spread it around the base of the plants and on the leaves, or you can mix it with water and spray it on the plants. It is important to reapply the powder after it rains or after the plants are watered, as it will be washed away. Additionally, it is important to wear a mask when applying the powder, as it can be an irritant to the lungs.

Diatomaceous earth is a great way to protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms. It is a safe and natural pest control method that is easy to use and can be effective in keeping your plants healthy and free from pests.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can protect your vegetable plants from cabbage worms and keep your garden healthy and thriving. With a few simple steps, you can keep your vegetable plants safe from these pests and enjoy a bountiful harvest.